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If your child can get angry or aggressive, it can be hard as a parent to know what to do. It is normal to feel overwhelmed! There are some things you can try to help your child manage their big feelings before they turn into tantrums.


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How to try and deal with your child when they are being angry and argumentative:

  1. ‘Share your calm.’ Children pick up on how you feel, so if you’re struggling to stay calm, so will they, but if you can stay calm, you can share that with them.
  2. Show them you understand their feelings e.g., when you have to leave the park, and they are angry, say “It’s really disappointing we have to leave now to go get our tea, isn’t it? I can understand that might make you feel quite angry.”
  3. Give consequences for poor behaviour e.g., early to bed or no screen time tonight, explaining to them what it was that they did wrong.

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Looking for more?

Supernanny has some great tips on how to handle your child’s anger:

Super Nanny Dealing with an angry child

NCT offer some great advice for dealing with temper tantrums in toddlers

NCT How to cope with Toddler tantrums and tricky behaviour

Parenting is a challenge and trying to balance everyone’s needs can be difficult, check out the Positive Parenting guide from the NSPCC

NSPCC Positive parenting guide

You can chat with a Health Visitor from your local 0-19 service

NHS Wirral Health Visiting




Time to reflect

When thinking about how to manage your child’s tantrums…  

What are you already doing that you want to carry on doing?  

What have you learned that you could try today?  

What do you want to do next?  

Know what you want to do next?

Log into your free account (on the top right-hand side) to set a goal on something that’s important to you and your family – then you can check in to show yourself how far you’ve come.

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