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BBC Tiny Happy People

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BBC Tiny Happy People

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BBC Tiny Happy People is a free-to-use website for parents/carers with children under 5 years old.

The fun, easy-to-do activities, tips and advice plus child development content have all been created with experts to help parents/carers support their little ones’ language and communication development.

Why use BBC Tiny Happy People?

Speech, language and communication is the foundation for learning and life skills.

BBC Tiny Happy People make sure that all content they create has been developed with leading experts in child development from the NHS.

They do this to make sure that everything they create is factually correct, so you can feel confident using the website.

The BBC Tiny Happy People website is split into three main sections:

These are all categorised into age for you and your little one to try, and focus on everyday life and routines.

In each age group, the ‘Tools for Talking’ films are a good place to start, as they explain and show you some of the best techniques and ways to chat to your little ones to help develop their language skills.

Covers a range of general parenting topics with advice from healthcare and early years experts.

All about the science behind your child’s development.

Split into age groups from baby to toddler to pre-school, these sections are full of fascinating facts about how a child’s brain develops, how they learn to communicate and talk and understand the world around them.

Here you’ll find tips and advice on topics ranging from managing emotional behaviour, to parent wellbeing, to how bilingual children learn language.

BBC Tiny Happy People have over 1,100 films and articles available for you to use for free.

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