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Caudwell Children

We are not all born equal.

We don’t all have the same chance to succeed.

Disabled and autistic children face greater challenges than most.

Caudwell Children is an international charity based in Staffordshire at our state-of-the-art facilities which are dedicated to improving the lives of disabled and autistic children.


Our Vision: A world where all disabled children and their families have choice, opportunity, dignity and understanding.

Our Mission: Practical and emotional support through compassionate and efficient services.


Our services

Our range of services for children and families are designed to remove some of the barriers that children face, enabling them to reach their full potential. From birth into early adulthood, we provide practical and emotional support for thousands of disabled and autistic children every year.

  • Autism Services – Multidisciplinary Autism Assessment Service, Workshops and Support Services
  • Equipment – Powered Wheelchairs, Tricycles, Car Seats, Buggies and Sensory Equipment
  • Short Breaks – Life skills, friendship and fun for children and young people with a disability
  • Workshops – Practical information and support for a wide range of topics relating to disability and autism
  • Employability Programme – Skills and mentoring to support young people with additional needs into employment
  • Family Support – Advice, advocacy and signposting for families caring for disabled or autistic children
  • Treatment and Therapies – Funding for pioneering medical treatments and therapies


Who is this aimed at?

Children with a confirmed disability between 0 to 18 years old, their parents, carers and families



Online information and live chat



Please see our website for details or contact us for more information


How to get involved

If you need further information about our services please contact our Family Services team by phone or email.


Contact details

Family Services Team

Phone: 0345 300 1348 



General Enquiries



For further information

For more information about Caudwell Children search Caudwell Children in this directory.


Visit the Caudwell Children website

Visit the Caudwell Children Facebook page



0345 300 1348


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0345 300 1348

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