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SoapWorks – Port Sunlight Village Trust

SoapWorks is located in the Lyceum on Bridge Street, Port Sunlight CH62 4UP

Port Sunlight Village Trust is an independent charitable trust responsible for preserving and promoting the village.

With 130 acres of idyllic garden village to explore, you may not know where to start? Port Sunlight makes an ideal visitor destination thanks to its well-connected transport links, perfect for families and solo explorers alike.



Have you visited SoapWorks yet? William Lever went from selling soap to creating the world’s first multi-national company, right here in Port Sunlight.

SoapWorks is an interactive experience all about the science of soap, open to schools and education groups for bespoke learning sessions.

Situated inside what was once the village’s schoolroom at the Lyceum, the exhibition is designed to encourage more children to engage with the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). SoapWorks explores why we need soap, how it gets made, what we like to buy and why, and all the different ways we use it. Learners are invited to have lots of fun discovering the story and science of soap and its life-saving properties, as part of our learning programme.

Also explored in the exhibition is the story of William Lever, who went from selling soap to creating the world’s first multi-national company, right here in Port Sunlight. Explore how the people who lived in the village and worked in his soap factory, and the workers in Unilever’s factory here today, have changed how we wash our bodies and clean our homes.


Who is this aimed at?

All are welcome



SoapWorks is accessible for school groups Monday to Friday, all year round. Timings and activities can be discussed with our learning team during your booking.

General visitors will also have opportunities to explore SoapWorks alongside family activities during half terms throughout the year.



SoapWorks is located in the Lyceum on Bridge Street, Port Sunlight CH62 4UP


How to get involved

To find out more about our learning programme and to book a visit to SoapWorks with your school group, please email our learning team.

To find out more about upcoming events and activities, please Visit the What’s On page on the Port Sunlight Village Trust website

Please note: For some activities, places may be limited so pre-booking is essential.


Contact details

Visitor Services Team

Phone: 0151 644 6466




For further information

For more information on Port Sunlight Village Trust search Port Sunlight Village Trust in this directory.


Visit the Port Sunlight Village Trust website

Visit the Port Sunlight Village Trust Facebook page



SoapWorks is located in the Lyceum on Bridge Street, Port Sunlight CH62 4UP
0151 644 6466


Quick contact

SoapWorks is located in the Lyceum on Bridge Street, Port Sunlight CH62 4UP
0151 644 6466

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