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Habits around drink and drugs

It’s okay to drink in moderation. If you feel like your use of drink or drugs is becoming unmanageable and affecting your family life then there are things you can do to bring things back into balance.

Habits around drink and drugs

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Ways to manage your habits when they're getting too much

  1. Confide in someone. Talking about your drink or drug use can really help you feel better and able to tackle it.  
  2. Understand what’s going on for you. Life can be tough! Talking to someone or writing your feelings down can help you understand why you feel like you need alcohol or drugs to make things feel more manageable. 
  3. Read people’s experiences. This can help you feel less isolated and alone as well as giving you some idea of what others have done to help themselves. Start with this story: My journey from addiction to recovery  

These top tips have been adapted from NACOA. You can read the full article with more useful tips here  

Habits around drink and drugs

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Looking for more?

There is a need to change the stereotypes around addiction. Listen to an honest talk about addiction and recovery:

For a parents looking for advice on how to manage a teen using alcohol this podcast talks about life as an alcoholic parent and raising a child around alcohol:

There are a number of articles you can read on this topic. Take your time and have a look.

NACOA – Support and advice for adults   

NSPCC Alcohol, drugs and parenting  

Vesta Approach How to prioritise Children over a loved one’s addiction  

Turning Point – From addiction to support worker 

NSPCC Parental substance misuse 

Looking for support with your drinking or drug use? Wirral Ways can support and guide you 

Looking for support to understand a loved ones substance misuse Silk Family Support Spider Project can help

Support for friends and family Adfam

Accessible information about drugs and alcohol Drug Talk

Time to reflect

When thinking about your habits… 

What are you already doing that you want to carry on doing? 

What have you learned that you could try today? 

What do you want to do next? 

Know what you want to do next?

Log into your free account (on the top right-hand side) to set a goal on something that’s important to you and your family – then you can check in to show yourself how far you’ve come.

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