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Teen relationships

It doesn’t feel like 10 minutes have passed since your child was a toddler and now you have a teenager wanting to be in a relationship! It can feel scary but there are things you can do to help them and yourself through this new experience.

Teen relationships

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How to manage teen love

  1. Have the sex chat. Your teen is likely to have sex and it is better they do it safely. 
  2. Set some rules appropriate for their age and maturity. You can give them a curfew or make sure the bedroom door is kept open – whatever you feel comfortable with. 
  3. Be calm. It can bring up a lot of emotions when your child gets into a relationship, but try to trust them because you have raised them well.  
Teen relationships

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Looking for more?

When your teenager starts adventuring into new relationships and begins to grow up, that comes with new challenges. On this podcast about parenting teens, two mums share how they managed their teens beginning sexual relationships at 16, including conversations on protection, STDs, and having new partners stay over. This content is from around 16:10.

Starting the conversation with your teen can feel daunting but there are many ways to ease the tense conversation surrounding consent and healthy relationships:

How do I talk to my teenager about healthy relationships and consent?

Time to reflect

When thinking about your teen and their new relationships… 

What are you already doing that you want to carry on doing? 

What have you learned that you could try today? 

What do you want to do next?

Know what you want to do next?

Log into your free account (on the top right-hand side) to set a goal on something that’s important to you and your family – then you can check in to show yourself how far you’ve come.

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