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Young People’s Counselling Service – Action for M.E.

Young People's Counselling Service - Action for M.E.

We know that living with M.E., and the lack of understanding of the condition, can make you feel isolated and frustrated.

We are here to help.

We are not an emergency or crisis service, but there is still help available. If you need to speak to someone urgently speak to a trusted adult or contact your local GP. Alternatively, call the NHS on 111.

Our counsellors understand M.E. and the impact that it can have on young people’s lives. They are here to listen to you and to ensure you get the support that you need.

Our mission is empowering people with M.E. to fulfil their potential and secure the care and support they need, while working towards a greater understanding of the illness and ultimately a cure.


Young People's Counselling Service

Action for M.E. is launching a free young people's counselling service to help support your child and nurture their wellbeing.
Our counsellors understand the impact of M.E. and can provide a safe space for your child, empowering them to manage their thoughts and feelings.

Counselling is a safe space, based on trust with your counsellor, to talk about you, your feelings, your life, your situation, and your goals.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents, carers and young people



Please visit our website for details








How to get involved

Please contact us for more details


Contact details

Phone: 0117 927 9551



For further information

For more information about Action for M.E search Action for M.E in this directory.


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