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Social Support Group – Parent Carer Participation Wirral

Social Support Group - Parent Carer Participation Wirral

Parent Carer Participation Wirral is the DfE funded Parent Carer Forum for Wirral.

We are an ever-growing group of parent carers who are passionate about ensuring the rights and needs of all children with SEND on Wirral are identified and met. By doing this we hope to improve the quality of life for children, young people and their families.


Social Support Group

This support group is for home-educated children and children too anxious to attend school. There will be board games, craft activities and time to socialise.
We have a good understanding of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), Selective mutism and anxious children.

Who is this aimed at?

Children aged 10 to 15 years old



Fridays during term time



1pm to 3pm



Windsor Close Community Centre, Windsor Close, New Ferry, Wirral CH62 5BZ



This is a free event


How to get involved

Please send us an email to book your place 


Contact details

Phone: 0151 670 0777



For further information

For more information about Parent Carer Participation Wirral (PCPW) search Parent Carer Participation Wirral (PCPW) in this directory.


Visit the Parent Carer Participation Wirral website

Visit the Parent Carer Participation Wirral Facebook page


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