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Recovery Support with Citizens Advice Wirral at Wirral Mind

Wirral Mind, 90-92 Chester Street, Birkenhead, CH41 5DL

Recovery Support with Citizens Advice Wirral at Wirral Mind

We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. Citizens Advice believe no one should face these problems without good quality, independent advice.


CAW Advisers are available to support you with benefits, housing, debt and much more.


Who is this aimed at?

This support is only for those people within the recovery community.



Thursdays except the first one of each month



9am to 12 noon



Wirral Mind, 90-92 Chester Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5DL


How to get involved

No booking is required, please turn up on the day


Contact details

Phone: 0808 278 7848


For further information

For more information about Citizens Advice Wirral search Citizens Advice Wirral in this directory. 


Visit the Citizens Advice Wirral website


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