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Care Councils – Right Side of Care – Wirral Council

Our Space, CH41 1AD

Care Councils - Right Side of Care - Wirral Council

The Right Side of Care is a council website for children looked after and care leavers. It is for people living in Wirral and further afield. It provides information for young people and tells them about their rights. 

Our Space is a safe space for care leavers to call their own. It's a place where young people can relax, learn to cook, design and make their own clothes, and develop skills for living independently.


Care Councils (CICC and CLC's)

The Participation and Engagement Service currently leads two groups made up of young people who have all been in care, who have had different experiences and would like to make a change.

  • They meet at least once a month to make sure their views and ideas are listened to by those making decisions about them.
  • They are involved in lots of interesting projects that make a difference for young people who are looked after and give them the chance to meet new people and have their voices heard.
  • The CICC and CLC contribute to the recruitment, training and selection of professionals. They are also trained to inspect the different departments in Children’s Services.


The Children in Care Council’s Aims and Objectives

  • To be able to put our views and ideas of all our work from the CICC across to the Director of Children and Young People’s Department and the Lead Member
  • To make sure the CICC is recognised by all agencies and that the agencies are committed to listening to and resourcing the CICC
  • To make sure all children looked after are listened to and are able to give their views through the CICC
  • To meet with key people who make decisions to work together to resolve any issues that involve children looked after
  • To meet with children looked after to discuss what their views are and what actions/outcomes they would like to be taken
  • To make sure children looked after are consulted regarding information that is provided to them
  • To be consulted and involved in both the review and the writing of the Children and Young People’s Plan


Who is this aimed at?

  • Children in Care Council (CICC) ages 16years and under
  • Care Leavers Council (CLC) ages 16 years+



Please call or check our website for our current calendar



Our Space, 19 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1AD



This support is free, there is no cost.


How to get involved

If you are interested in joining any of the care councils please send an email.

We can only book limited numbers of young people at any one time so for any ‘meetings’ on the calendar that you want to attend.

Please remember, you MUST book in. If you just turn up, unfortunately, you will be turned away.


Contact details

Phone: 07920594197



For further information

For more information about Right Side of Care search Right Side of Care in this directory.


Visit the Right Side of Care website

Visit the Right Side of Care - Participation and Engagement Team Instagram page


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