Tailored Yarn Memories brings comfort and healing to bereaved families through stories and artwork that preserves memories to guide them through grieving.
Tailored Yarn Memories wants to work collaboratively with local authors to deliver creative writing and illustration workshops in schools, libraries and the community to ease the pain of grief and promote healing and resiliency to young people under ten.
We are offering a friendly, safe space to explore your grief.
Who is this aimed at?
Everyone is welcome
Held each Friday
12 noon to 2pm
Marine Place, Marine Lake Health and Wellbeing Centre, Orrysdale Road, West Kirby CH48 5AA
Please enquire with service provider for cost details
How to get involved
No need to book, just turn up. Please let staff know when you arrive so they can direct you to the group
Contact details
Phone: 0776 744 1391
Email: gillianseale@tailoredyarn.com
For further information
For more information about Tailored Yarn Memories search Tailored Yarn Memories in this directory.
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Visit the Tailored Yarn Facebook page