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Wirral’s neurodiverse pathway

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Wirral’s neurodiverse pathway

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Neurodiversity is a term used to describe differences in the way our brains work. Everyone has a unique brain –  different skills, abilities and needs. Neurodiversity may mean that our children experience and interact with the world in many individual ways and see things in many wonderful and intriguing ways.

Neurodevelopmental assessments can take place for conditions such as:

These are conditions that can occur on their own or together.

To learn more about any neurodiverse conditions, take a look at the SENDLO website here

Here’s some information about how assessments work in Wirral

  • If you feel your child requires assessment for any of the neurodevelopmental conditions please speak with their school to discuss your concerns. For very young children discuss it with your health visitor. The school will consider the Graduated Approach in providing support for your child. You can find more information on the Graduated Approach here.

If you are not able to discuss it with the school, please call the 0-19 School Nursing Service on 0151 514 0219 for advice.

  • Your child’s school or college can make a referral into the Children’s Neurodevelopmental Service.
  • The referral is received and checked by the Children’s Neurodevelopmental Service – this is a small team that works within the wider 0-19 service. You can find more about the 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service here.

If your child is receiving support from CYPMHS (previously known as CAMHS) any assessments and support will be provided under the CYPMHS Neurodevelopmental team.

  • If your referral is accepted onto one of the pathways you will be notified in writing.
  • Letters will then be sent out at each stage of the assessment to keep you informed and up to date.

The Teams who do the assessments

There are a range of diagnostic assessments that your child may require which will be completed by specialists including:

  • Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)
  • Consultant Community Paediatricians
  • Occupational Therapists(OT)

Other information may be needed from your child’s school or nursery and further reports or questionnaires may be requested for this extra information.  Children may also be seen in their nursery or school setting.

Referral criteria

Families should live in Wirral and be registered with a Wirral GP.

ADHD and DCD referrals are aged 5 up to 17.5 years.

ASD and DCD referrals are aged 2 up to 17.5 years.

Referrals are accepted from schools and colleges. GPs may not refer as they do not have all the required information to complete the referral to inform the screening and triage process.

Waiting times

Referrals into the neurodiverse pathway are high for ASD/ADHD assessments and the numbers continue to grow; this leads to extremely long waiting times for assessments and diagnosis.

The service continues to work extremely hard to reduce waiting times, including joint working with other professionals and services involved in providing support and services.

For further information and support for your family, please take a look at the useful links below. Please remember that a diagnosis is not required to access support.

Useful Links

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