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The Soccer Dome

The Soccer Dome, CH44 7BZ

The Soccer Dome

We are The Home of 5 a side and indoor football on The Wirral. Providing all things football for all ages and all abilities for over 15 years.


We are The Soccer Dome, located in Seacombe on The Wirral. Building began back in 2005 and we have flourished within the local community ever since.


As an independent family-run business our mission is to create the ultimate football experience for all ages and abilities and build the biggest footballing community in the North West.


Our staff will always greet you with a friendly and welcoming smile hoping you leave feeling like part of The Soccer Dome Family.


Who is this aimed at?

Everybody is welcome



Open 7 days a week



The Soccer Dome, 132 Birkenhead Road, Seacombe, Wirral, CH44 7BZ



Please enquire with the service provider for cost details


How to get involved

Visit the Soccer Dome website for an up-to-date timetable


Contact details

Phone: 0151 637 3213



For further information

For more information on The Soccer Dome search The Soccer Dome in this directory.


Visit The Soccer Dome website

Visit the Soccer Dome Facebook page





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