Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub is linked to the main Family Hub in their area, and we form part of the Family Hub Network in Wirral, working together to provide essential support services to families. Though we might not offer all the core services available at the main hub, we will strengthen the community offer ensuring families have access to the right support by linking them with the main hub, or by networking with partner organisations.
Satellite Family Hubs ensure that families can access the support they need, helping to build stronger and more resilient communities.
Family support
Outreach and home visiting
Breast feeding support
Play and learning opportunities
Family learning
Parenting courses
Adult learning and employment support
Who is this aimed at?
Wirral Satellite Family Hubs offer support to all families with children aged 0 to 19 (up to age 25 with SEND)
We are open week days, Monday to Friday (including Term Time)
Open Hours - 9am to 5pm
Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub, Ionic Street, Rock Ferry, Wirral CH42 2BL
Free to access support
How to get involved
Please contact us, some activities may need pre-booking.
Contact details
Phone: 0151 666 3151
For further information
For more information about Family Hubs search Family Hubs in this directory.
Visit the Family Hubs landing page on the Family Toolbox website
Visit the Birkenhead Family Hubs page on the Wirral.Gov website