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Nightline Association

Nightline is a listening, emotional support, information and supplies service, run by students for students.


The Nightline Association is the international umbrella charity for university Nightline services. It supports its members and our mission is to raise the quality, profile and number of Nightline services so that every student is aware of and has access to confidential emotional peer support.


Nightlines are open at night, run by trained, caring, fellow student volunteers. Nightline can be contacted by phone, face to face, by email or by online chat. There are Nightline services at many universities around the UK and elsewhere. Additional services such as information and supplies are also often available. You can find out more on our about Nightlines page.


Our Mission

Our mission is to raise the quality, profile, availability, and accessibility of Nightline services so that every student is aware of, and has access to, confidential emotional peer support, as well as the opportunity to volunteer for a Nightline.


Our Vision

For every student in higher and further education to have access to the support offered by Nightline services so that:

  • Every student is able to talk about their feelings in a safe, non-judgemental environment;
  • Fewer students have their education compromised by emotional difficulties;
  • Fewer students die by suicide.


Who is this aimed at?

All students in further or higher education



During term time- see website for details



Please enquire for details



Online and phonecall





How to get involved


Contact details



For further information

For more information about the Nightline Association search Nightline Association in this directory.


Visit the Nightline Association website

Visit the Nightline Association Facebook page





Quick contact