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Little Lambs First Aid

Little Lambs First Aid is a small and independent business that has been set up to give parents and carers the skills and confidence to deal with accidents and emergency situations. 


There are so many things we worry about, so many scares and things to be aware of when looking after young children. Little Lambs First Aid runs courses to empower parents, grandparents and carers with the knowledge of first aid for babies and children. We educate people in paediatric life saving skills for little ones, enabling them to respond in the case of an accident or emergency or when their little lamb becomes ill.


We know as parents that life with little ones is very busy so we wanted to make our courses affordable and accessible to everyone. We run several courses every month in various locations across the Wirral. We run weekday and weekend courses that are great value for money, and we can even come to your playgroup, nursery or home to deliver bespoke courses that suit you. We like to keep class sizes small so there will never be any more than 12 people on one of our regular courses, ten on one of our baby-friendly courses or eight on our child-friendly courses.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents, new parents, expectant parents, grandparents and anyone who looks after and cares for children aged 0 to 12 years.



Times and dates vary, please see our website for further details.



Costs vary, for updated pricing information, please view our website 


How to get involved

To book your course please Visit the Booking page on the Little Lambs First Aid website


Contact details

Phone: 07986 948 576



For further information

For more information about Little Lambs First Aid search Little Lambs First Aid in this directory.


Visit the Little Lambs First Aid website

Visit the Little Lambs First Aid Facebook page



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