Claire House is a 24 hour, seven days a week service and offers a range of services that can support children and families based on the individual child and family's needs. This can be provided at Claire House or at home and can be for the child, young person or for family members.
The whole team at Claire House Children’s Hospice work together to help children and young people live their lives to the fullest, helping them create wonderful memories with their friends and family and bring back a sense of normality to their lives however short that time may be. Claire House can also offer support to the wider family, including siblings and grandparents.
We can offer symptom care; symptom management and step down care; family support groups and children's activities; day care and advanced care planning; hospice to home service; therapies; counselling and bereavement support; clinical support and
end-of-life care.
Who is this aimed at?
Claire House Children’s Hospice helps seriously and terminally ill children live life to the full by creating wonderful experiences and bringing back a sense of normality to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support, Claire House helps families smile again when life couldn’t get any tougher.
Claire House Children’s Hospice, Clatterbridge Road, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 4JD
Opening hours
Claire House Children’s Hospice is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
How to get involved
If you have any queries or seek support please contact us.
Contact details
Phone: 0151 334 4626
For further information
For more information about Claire House Children's Hospice search Claire House Children's Hospice in this directory.
Visit Claire House Children's Hospice website
Visit the Claire House Children's Hospice Facebook page