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Chances for Children – Buttle UK

Chances for Children - Buttle UK

Buttle UK is a charity dedicated to helping children and young people in the UK who have experienced crisis, living in financial hardship and dealing with multiple challenging social issues.

Together we can create more chances for children

What we do is very simple: pay for things that we would want all children and young people to have but their parent or carers cannot otherwise afford.


Our Grants

Chances for Children grants are designed to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people, as well as their capacity to engage in education. Our Chances for Children grants are targeted at those living in financial hardship, and dealing with multiple challenging social issues.


They are made directly to children and young people who are facing a range of complex issues. They are tailored to their particular needs, in order to prevent them from falling further into crisis and help them to transform their lives. The grants pay for a range of items and costs, many of which are those we would expect any child growing up in the UK to have, but which their parents or carers cannot afford. In a small number of cases, where home is not the best place for a child to be, the grant pays for them to attend boarding school.


Who is this aimed at?

Children and young people in the UK who have experienced crisis, living in financial hardship and dealing with multiple challenging social issues

Children and young people must meet the following criteria:

  • Aged from 2 to 18 (including 18 year olds) if living with parent or carer OR aged 20 and under if living independently with little or no support from their family.
  • Accessing early, primary, secondary or post 16 education/training for a minimum of 12 hours per week
  • Living on a low income and experiencing financial hardship
  • Have experienced a crisis that has recently had a significant and enduring impact on: their wellbeing and/or their development and education
  • The family or young person has recently taken action to improve their situation, are actively engaging with support and are moving on from the crisis.



Our office open hours are Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm



We only support families or young people who are resident in the UK


How to get involved

Who can make an application to Buttle UK?

Applications must be made by a professional support worker. To find out who can make the application on your behalf, please read the criteria for each of the grants.

We only accept applications from frontline professionals working for a registered charity, housing association or public sector organisation who: 

  • Are working directly with the children/young person 
  • Have made a full assessment of the child’s or young person’s needs
  • Have carried out at least one home visit (optional for schools and colleges)

For more details please Visit the "Find out if you’re eligible" page on the Buttle UK website


Contact details

Phone: 020 7828 7311



For further information

For more information about Buttle UK search Buttle UK in this directory.


Visit the Buttle UK website

Visit the Buttle UK Facebook page





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