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Parenting Teenagers

Parenting teenagers can be challenging. The teenage years can be a confusing time for your child - surges of hormones, pressure from friends, body changes, developing independence and struggling to find their own identity. They are no longer a child but not yet an adult.

Parenting Teenagers

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Top tips for parenting your teenager

  1. Engage with your teen – teenagers need love and resassurance, let your teen know they are listened to and heard.
  2. Allow them privacy – give them their own space and time.
  3. Set clear boundaries – your teenager may object but they know its because you care.
Parenting Teenagers

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Looking for more?

There are more articles you can read to find out more about parenting teens

Barnardo’s Family space

BBC- seven things a parent should know about adolescent behaviour

Family lives – teen violence at home

NHS – parenting your teenager

This podcast explores the science behind the teenage brain


Time to reflect

When thinking about your relationship with your teen….

What are you already doing that you want to carry on doing?

What have you learned that you could try today?

What do you want to do next?

Know what you want to do next?

Log into your account (on the top right-hand side) to set a goal that’s important to you and your family-then you can check in to show yourself how far you’ve come

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