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Bath time can be a good chance for some quality time with your child, but at times can be a struggle. There are some things you can try to make bath time easier.


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Tips to make bath time easier

  1. Make bath time a part of a bed time routine. A routine will help your child know what’s happening next.
  2. Give your child some warning before bath time to allow them to finish what they are doing and prepare for bath time.
  3. Let your child be involved in bath time, pouring the shampoo or the water so they feel they are in control.

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Looking for more?

Try using these bath time nursery rhymes and kids songs to make bath time more fun!

Or head to these external links for some more ideas on bath time:

Super Nanny How to make bathtime easier

Made for Mums Toddlers who won’t bathe 

Read about keeping your baby safe in the bath

Child Accident Prevention Trust

Time to Reflect

When it comes to bath time…

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What have you learned that you could try today?

What do you want to do next?

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Log into your free account (on the top right-hand side) to set a goal on something that’s important to you and your family – then you can check in to show yourself how far you’ve come.

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