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Ness Botanic Gardens – University of Liverpool

Ness Botanic Gardens, CH64 4AY

Ness Botanic Gardens - University of Liverpool

Explore the delights of Ness Botanic Gardens spread across 64 acres of plants, wildlife and breathtaking landscapes, with stunning views of the River Dee and North Wales. From scientific plant collections, and Mediterranean gardens, to wildflower meadows, there is something to see in every corner. The garden, cafe, gift and plant shop are open seven days a week, apart from the Christmas holidays.
Part of the University of Liverpool, Ness Botanic Gardens features a diverse variety of plants and planting areas. Constantly changing, there are always new things to see at Ness, including vibrant year-round colour and outstanding collections of Rhododendrons, Camellias, Snowdrops and Sorbus, amongst others.

Sharing the scientific wonder and importance of plants with the world. Our social and horticultural history, stemming from our founder, Arthur Kiplin Bulley, still informs what we do today.


Learn at Ness

Since it's founding over 120 years ago, Ness Botanic Gardens has been to committed to connecting people with plants, their uses, wildlife and the wonders of the natural world.


Science and research

We are developing a vibrant research portfolio. We work closely with the University of Liverpool's Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour Department and partners further afield.


Member of Ness Botanic Gardens

By joining the Members of Ness Botanic Gardens you can support us, while enjoying free entry to the garden and other exclusive Member benefits.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



Open all year around (except for the Christmas holidays)



Open from 10am every day, last garden admission at 4pm (November to February) and 4:30pm (March to October)

For a full list of opening times for the gardens, visitor centre and café please see our website.



Ness Botanic Gardens, University of Liverpool, Neston Road, Ness, Cheshire, CH64 4AY



Children (4 and under) - Free

Members of Ness Botanic Gardens - Free

All other ticket costs vary for two time periods - March to October and November to February (Winter admission) 

For a full list of ticket prices and concessions please see our website


How to get involved

Just show up. Alternatively please view our website for information on how to become a member, book in advance, group bookings, and guided and bespoke tours.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 795 6300



For further information

For more information about Ness Botanic Gardens search Ness Botanic Gardens in this directory.


Visit the Ness Botanic Gardens page on the University of Liverpool website

Visit the Ness Botanic Gardens Facebook page



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