We are a lively, friendly church, open to Christians of all traditions. We aim to serve the local community in many different ways.
Holy Cross Church is located in Woodchurch, Wirral and is part of the Deanery of Birkenhead within the Diocese of Chester.
Messy Church is a great opportunity to spend some quality time together as a family enjoying games, craft activities, Christian worship and food. It's a different way of being church, for families and everyone is welcome - Grandparents, carers, child-minders and parents. There is no charge for Messy Church.
There's a cuppa when you arrive and games to play, followed by prayers, craft activities, a story and sometimes a quiz. This is followed by a simple meal shared together.
Who is this aimed at?
Open to all.
Each second Wednesday of the month
3:30pm to 5pm
Holy Cross Parish Church Hall, Church Lane, Woodchurch, Wirral, CH49 7LS
Free for all
How to get involved
No booking is required. Please just come along and join in.
Contact details
Email: parishoffice@holycrosswoodchurch.uk
Phone: 0151 677 5352 or 07766 031 757
For further information
For more information about Holy Cross Woodchurch search Holy Cross Woodchurch in this directory.
Visit the Holy Cross Woodchurch Facebook page
Visit the Holy Cross Woodchurch website