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Me and You – Baby Massage

Me and You - Baby Massage

Me and You Baby Massage was created for Mamas to bond with their babies and have a support network.

Join the Me and You Baby Massage family.
Once you come for your first experience, you're family for life!
When you book, you learn a full body massage routine you can use at home with techniques to settle your baby. To meet other Mamas (a lot of my Mamas have made lifelong friends during baby massage), to enjoy time just you and baby and so much more.


Who is this aimed at?

Mothers to bond with their babies and have a support network



Please enquire with the service for details



Please enquire with the service for details



Carey Avenue, Bebington, Wirral CH63 8LU - the space is located down a footpath off Banks Road. You can park in the nearby residential streets and also in Morrisons car park- please be mindful of the regulations.



Please enquire with the service for details


How to get involved

Please contact Holly by email or on Facebook


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Me and You - Baby Massage search Me and You - Baby Massage in this directory.


Visit the You and Me Baby Massage Facebook page



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