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Launch Event for Zoop – Multiple Organisations

Bloom Building, 3 Abbey Close, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5FQ

This is the launch event for Zoop – A new Wirral Autism Hub, delivered by a partnership of third sector organisations alongside NHS.


Visit different tables and try out activities to give you an idea of what will be on offer once Zoop is launched. Speak to the people delivering activities and give them feedback. If you have any questions around access or specific access requirements for this event contact Niall from Open Door Charity by email. Food and soft drinks will be available and provided free of charge to attendees, including vegan and gluten free options.


Who is this aimed at?

People aged 18+ who are Autistic or who are on the waiting list for an autism assessment, although open access



Thursday 27th February 2025



3pm to 4pm – Quiet session for those who require less sensory input. Places must be prebooked, limited to 15 people. To book a place email.

4pm to 7pm is a drop-in session (which may be busy and noisy) and spaces do not need to be pre booked.



Bloom Building, 3 Abbey Close, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5FQ





How to get involved

Contact Niall if you would like to pre book onto the quiet session or just drop in on the day for the drop in session.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Zoop search Zoop in this directory.



Bloom Building, 3 Abbey Close, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5FQ


Quick contact

Bloom Building, 3 Abbey Close, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5FQ

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