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British Blind Sports

British Blind Sports

British Blind Sport aim to ensure that sport and leisure facilities are accessible to every blind or partially sighted person in the UK, with the intention of improving their physical health and self-esteem.


Adults and children are encouraged to participate at whatever level they choose be it grassroots or up to international competitive level.

Blind and partially sighted people who enter competitions nationally and internationally need a sight classification. British Blind Sport provide this service to enable competitive participation on a fair and equal basis.


Want to begin your fitness journey, but unsure where to start?

Have a look in the activity finder on the British Blind Sports website to find out about sports in your area, events to take part in, and even workouts from your living room.


Who is this aimed at?

Blind or partially sighted people living in the UK



Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm

Saturday and Sunday - Closed



Information and support is available online via the British Blind Sports website and Facebook page



Please enquire with British Blind Sports for memberships and event prices


How to get involved

Please visit the British Blind Sports website for more details of how we can help.

To sign up as a British Blind Sports member, you must first register for an account on the website's registration page.

Once you have registered for your account, visit the Membership section of your account.


Contact details

Phone: 01926 424247



For further information

For more information about British Blind Sports search British Blind Sports in this directory.


Visit the British Blind Sports website

Visit the British Blind Sports Facebook page



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