Active Wirral Leisure Centres have a variety of activities and courses on offer for children of all ages and abilities to keep active, fit and healthy throughout the year.
There is an Active Zone, Active Allsports, inflatable sessions, swimming pool timetable, Wirral watersports centre, golf treasure hunt and more.
Visit the Active Kids website to view what is on offer and to find out how to book, pay and take part.
Who is this aimed at?
Ages 0 to 17
Please enquire with service provider for session details
Multiple venues, please check with provider for more information
How to get involved
To book your place Visit the Active Kids Wirral website
Contact details
Phone: 0151 606 2010
For further information
For more information on Active Wirral search Active Wirral in this directory.
Visit the Active Wirral website
Visit the Active Wirral Facebook page