The GB Power Hockey Association is going to be running a taster session of their fast paced, exciting disability sport on Friday 11th April between 6pm and 9pm in conjunction with Disabled Rovers, the Tranmere Rovers’ Disabled Supporters Association at the Recreation Centre at Prenton Park.
Power hockey is a contact sport which is aimed at power wheelchair users and those who do not have the mobility or dexterity required to play other disability sports. That being said, participants do frequently bring along friends or family members who find it incredibly fun to play alongside them. chairs will be provided.
All we ask is that participants are above the age of eight and if they need a hoist, they bring along their own sling.
Who is this aimed at?
All participants are above the age of eight
Friday 11th April 2025
6pm to 9pm
Prenton Park Recreation Centre, Prenton Park Road West, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 9PY
Please enquire with the service for the price
How to get involved
Please email for further details
Contact details
For further information
For more information about the Tranmere Rovers’ Disabled Supporters Association search Tranmere Rovers’ Disabled Supporters Association in this directory.
Visit the Disabled Rovers Facebook page
Prenton Park Recreation Centre, Prenton Park Road West, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 9PY