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The Positivitree

Vale House Community Centre, CH45 1lZ

The Positivitree

The Positivitree is a Wirral based social enterprise that works with families who have children with disabilities, special educational, medical or mental health needs. We work to enable parents and carers to look after their personal health and wellbeing, which in turn enables easier access to services that support their child’s needs.

Focussing on self-care, we have created a parent-led wellbeing movement. Our aim is to address the needs of the parents/carers by offering these services in the hope that by teaching them the power of self-care they can apply this to their everyday life, thus improving the lives of themselves and their families.


Are you a Parent-Carer?

Whether your child or young person has a diagnosed additional health or care need or they are on the pathway to a diagnosis; we are here for you.


Empowering Parents

We believe that emotionally nourished parents raise resilient children.  Our services show parent-carers that they have the power within them to be the best version of themselves for themselves and their families.



By focussing on the practice of self-care we have created a parent-carer led wellbeing movement.


Wellbeing Activities

We provide wellbeing activities designed to meet the needs of the parent-carer community taking in to account their responsibilities and time constraints.


Online Support

We offer online support, social groups, workshops and classes.


Flexible Programmes

By offering a flexible programme, we empower parent-carers with tools needed to take ownership of their wellbeing.


5 Ways We Work

  • Community
  • Staying active
  • Awareness
  • Learning
  • Volunteer


Peer Support Groups


Our support groups and coffee mornings are open to all parents and carers raising children (from birth to adulthood) with additional needs, be they developmental, educational, emotional, medical or any type of disability. No need to book, come along, pull up a chair and have a brew with other carers and our peer-support volunteers.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents-carers of a children with an additional health or care need



Our timetable varies, please see our Facebook page for current events



Vale House Community Centre, Vale House, Vale Park, Wallasey, CH45 1lZ



This support is free, donations are welcome


How to get involved

If you have any queries, please contact us by phone or email.

If you're an interested parent-carer please complete our registration form:

Visit the The Positivitree Parent/Carers registration form on the Google Docs website


Contact details

Phone: 07877 782826



For further information

For more information about The Positivitree search The Positivitree in this directory. 


Visit The Positivitree website

Visit The Positivitree Facebook page



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