Your baby’s birth should be something you are excited about, rather than fearful. With a Love Labour Hypnobirthing course you will feel prepared, empowered and ready to take on your journey from pregnancy to parenthood.
The Love Labour Hypnobirthing course is a full antenatal program, so you won’t need to take any other pregnancy class. Hypnobirthing is for all types of birth, so whether you’re planning a very natural birth, a water birth, caesarean, induction, medicated birth, or a heavily monitored ‘high-risk’ birth, these classes are for you.
Hypnobirthing and antenatal courses including group courses from Greasby Children’s Cente, as well as 1:1 courses which can be done in a clients home or via zoom. These courses help parents to move towards a more positive birth experience, feeling well informed, calm and confident about birthing their baby.
Who is this aimed at?
All those expecting babies
Please enquire with Love Labour Hypnobirthing for details
Please enquire with Love Labour Hypnobirthing for details
Community Association, The Centre, Greasby Road, Greasby, Wirral CH49 3AT
Please see the website for details
How to get involved
Please phone or email for more details
Contact details
Phone: 07511 092647
For further information
For more information about Love Labour Hypnobirthing search Love Labour Hypnobirthing in this directory.
Visit the Love Labour Hypnobirthing website