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Child Health

Young children will catch minor illnesses as their immune system is still developing. Bouts of illness are to be expected and they can help build up your little one's immune system. Aside from common bugs, there are lots of factors that affect your child's health.

Child Health

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Keeping your child healthy


  1. Your child’s health includes physical growth, their cognitive (learning and thinking) development, social and emotional growth, and mental health.
  2. Exposure to violence, stress, poor nutrition and substance abuse can undermine a child’s health.
  3. When a child has good health, they are likely to have better outcomes in school and beyond,


Child Health VIDEO

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Looking for more?

To find information on the most common symptoms in children requiring urgent care and decide where best to get the right care for your child, have a look at the links below

NHS – Is my child too ill for school?

Alder Hey NHS children’s symptom checker

Medicines For Children – practical and reliable advice about giving medicine to your child – kids health

RCPCH guidance for if you are concerned about your baby under 3 months old

Watch the North West Ambulance service video and learn how to restart a baby or child’s heart

North West Ambulance Service

Get information and advice about children’s weight, including what you can do if your child is overweight or underweight.

NHS – healthy weight 

If you are concerned about your child’s health you can contact 0-19 Children and Young Peoples services

Podcast by The Parenthood

Time to reflect

When thinking about your childs health…

What are you already doing that you want to carry on doing? 

What have you learned that you could try today? 

What do you want to do next?

Know what you want to do next?

Log into your free account (on the top right-hand side) to set a goal that’s important to you and your family-then you can check in to show yourself how far you’ve come

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