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Wirral Engagement Programme – Mode and Merseyside Police

Wirral Engagement Programme - Mode and Merseyside Police

Mode provides professional training for creative and commercial careers. We nurture talent, energy, skills and confidence in our students. Then match them with employers looking for ambitious staff with attitude to move their business forward. Working with international brands ensuring students receive training of the highest industry standard. We offer Apprenticeships, Alternative Education, Advanced Learning Loan, Skills Bootcamps  and private courses in Music Production, Hairdressing, Make Up and Digital Skills.


Wirral Engagement Programme

The number of young people not in education training or employment is on the rise. And with homeschooling and alternative education places increasing. Young people are not always able to access the valuable career education information advice and guidance they need to make the transition from school into the world of work.


Funded by Merseyside Police via Operation Stonehaven and Project Medusa, Mode have developed a programme which will engage those at most risk of exclusion from mainstream education or post 16 provision.


Young people between the age of 14-17 will attend 1 day per week. And will engage on either the hair/beauty and makeup pathway or music technology and DJ Skills pathway.


Course Curriculum

Both courses will cover:

  • Employability Skills
  • Health and wellbeing


Music Technology pathway

  • Health and safety in the studio
  • DJ/Performance skills
  • Creating mash-ups and mixes using Ableton
  • Planning for a career in the music industry
  • Marketing and promotion including digital marketing


Hair, beauty and makeup pathway

  • Health and Safety in the salon
  • Introduction to the hair and beauty sector
  • Presenting a professional image in the salon
  • Reception duties
  • Dry Styling
  • Skin Care
  • Basic Makeup application


Participate in all activities including engaging with next step providers, colleges and employers. Travel and lunch will be included on the day of attendance.


Who is this aimed at?

To be eligible for the course you must:

  • Be a Wirral resident
  • Between the age of 14-17
  • Disengaged from education or at a risk of being disengaged
  • If over 16 be NEET (not in education employment or training)
  • Have a passion for music or hair/beauty industry



Starts Monday 18th March 2024

Days and times may vary, please contact us for details.



Venues across Wirral

Travel and lunch will be included on the day of attendance





How to get involved

If you are interested in taking part, please call or email.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 709 4640



For further information

For more information about Mode search Mode in this directory.


Visit the Mode website


For further information

For more information about Merseyside Police search Merseyside Police in this directory.


Visit the Merseyside Police website




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