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WellComm Screening – 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service – Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust

WellComm Screening - 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service - Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust

Structured around the national Healthy Child Programme our services provide inclusive support for children, young people and their families. Support begins during pregnancy and continues until the child reaches the age of 19 or up to 25 if the young person has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


WellComm Screening

Would you like to talk about your child's speech and language? 

The Wirral Communication and Language Pathway has been developed to ensure effective processes to support the development of children’s speech and language. We also provide details of how to find further information for you and your child.

The pathway gives you an overview of the pathway detailing your child’s possible journey from pre-birth, 0 to 1 years, 1 to 2 years and 2 to 3 years:

  • Specialist - a referral is made for an individualised programme of support
  • Targeted - a child's need identified. A time limited, tailored programme of support given. This is evidenced and monitored
  • Universal - for all children: skilled and confident staff, high quality language provision and support for parents

Children can go up as well as back down levels. The graduated approach enhances smooth transitions. The integrated approach includes education, health, early years practitioners and parents.

A 17 to 19 month checklist is available for you to quickly check if your child’s speech and language development is on track. Please contact your nearest Children’s Centre or Family Hub. Alternatively, contact your child’s early years setting.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents with children 0 to 19 years



Please enquire for details



This service is available at Children's Centres and Family Hubs across Wirral, please contact us to find your nearest available service





How to get involved

Please contact your nearest Children’s Centre or Family Hub to enquire about our WellComm screening.

Alternatively, contact your child’s early years setting.


Contact us

0-19 Health and Wellbeing Team

Phone: 0151 514 0219


Children’s Speech & Language Therapy Service

Phone: 0151 514 2334



For further information

For more information about Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust search Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust in this directory.


Visit the Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust website

Visit the Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Facebook page

Visit the 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Services website

Visit the 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Services Facebook page




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