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The WOW Group – Youth Fed

The WOW Group - Youth Fed

Youth Fed is a youth charity that supports over 5,000 young people between the ages of 10 and 29, helping to improve the lives of young people through celebrating and delivering activities. We enable young people to thrive and achieve their full potential, regardless of background or circumstance.


Join the WOW Group: a safe, empowering space for young women aged (14-24). We uplift, inspire, and care for each other, whilst empowering women to take charge of their well-being and share experiences.

WOW Group focuses on collectively inspiring and uplifting members through shared experiences and triumphs, NOT individual past struggles.


Weekly Team Video Calls
Join WOW Group for weekly video calls with Jane Horan, for face-to-face connection, support and community.


Whatsapp Group Chat

Stay connected through an active WhatsApp group for ongoing advice, inspiration, and support, here we will create a virtual support system for wellbeing and empowerment

through shared experiences.


Focus and Purpose

WOW Group empowers young women to embrace strengths and support each other, to grow. We offer activities every 6 weeks for holistic support, learning, empowerment, and bonding with like minded young women.


Engage in transformative events with workshops on personal growth to inspire young women.
Topics include: self-discovery, goalsetting, confidence-building, and leadership development.


Join regular workshops on personal growth, selfdevelopment, and empowerment. Gain valuable skills and insights for self-awareness, self-esteem, resilience, and confidence through discussions and sharing circles.


Trips and team-building activities will be arranged to promote teamwork, positive relationships and a sense of adventure and empowerment amongst members. These offer opportunities for members to explore new environments, to bond through recreational activities that promote personal growth, confidence and resilience.


Who is this aimed at?

For young women aged 13/14- 24 or those who identify as female



Please contact Youth Fed for more information



This is a fully funded programme open to all areas


How to get involved

All referrals can be sent to Jane Horan or contact Youth Fed if you require more information


Contact details

Jane Horan - WOW Women of the World Mental Health Support Worker



Youth Fed

Phone: 0151 357 1971



For further information

For more information on Youth Fed search Youth Fed in this directory.


Visit the Youth Fed website

Visit the Youth Fed Facebook page




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