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The SMILEY Group – Equilibrium North West

Equilibrium North West CIC, CH41 3HX

The SMILEY Group - Equilibrium North West

Equilibrium North West CIC is a not-for-profit company concerned with researching and tackling inequalities, with projects to help improve health and wellbeing.


The SMILEY Group 

The S.M.I.L.E.Y Group stands for 'Speech, Milestones, Interaction and Language in Early Years'; and is to support any element of Global Delay in your little ones. Especially designed and run by SEND professionals, this fun and interactive playgroup is designed to improve speech and language, support communication, social skills and all aspects of development. 
Whether diagnosed or not, if you feel your little one could benefit, then you are very welcome to join us.


Who is this aimed at?

All who could benefit from improving speech and language, support communication, social skills and all aspects of development for their little ones



Mondays - please check Facebook for dates



11am to 12 noon



Equilibrium North West CIC, Livingstone Street Play and Community Centre, 130 St Anne Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 3HX





How to get involved

No need to book, please come along


Contact details

Phone: 0151 647 6044



For further information

For more information about Equilibrium North West CIC search Equilibrium North West CIC in this directory. 


Visit the Equilibrium North West CIC website

Visit the Equilibrium North West CIC Facebook page




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