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The Coaching Parent – Next Chapter NW CIC

156 Mill Lane, CH44 3BN

The Coaching Parent - Next Chapter NW CIC

Supporting child and family mental health, developing positive communication. Accredited with Open Awards, you will leave the course with a set of tools to understand and manage emotions, develop relationships, improve communication, create a calmer environment and manage family challenges with greater confidence.


The Coaching Parent

This course will give you time to pause and reflect upon family life, what is working well and adjustments you need to make. We take you on a personalised journey to explore different elements influencing relationships and communication, alongside strategies to use in everyday life.


Key topics explored

- understanding the brain

- Parenting styles

- Developing trust

- Supporting and improving mental health

- Managing and reducing conflict

You will leave the course with a deeper awareness of who you are as a parent, developing confidence in your own abilities, alongside gaining tools to promote positive communication with your child and family.


Our course can be delivered online or in person for three hours a week for six weeks. Courses are delivered termly, Please speak with us about our next start date. 


Who is this aimed at?

This course is aimed at children and families. To be eligible, you must earn under £21,225 per year and live on the Wirral.



Please enquire with service for details



Please enquire with service for details



This can be delivered online or in person



This course is free, eligibility applies


How to get involved

Booking is essential through Claire, please phone or email.


Contact details


Phone: 0790 744 5526


For more information 

For more information about Next Chapter NW CIC search Next Chapter NW CIC in this directory.


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