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Super Bodies – NHS

Super Bodies - NHS

Illnesses like coughs, sore throats and ear aches are extremely common in young children, but did you know… our children’s ‘super bodies’ are designed to fight off many common illnesses, without the need for antibiotics?


These common ailments can be unpleasant for children and their caregivers, but are most often caused by viral infections and do not need to be treated with antibiotics.


Antibiotics rarely speed up recovery for these conditions and have no effect on viruses.


Instead, our children’s ‘super bodies’ get to work, and most children with a normal immune system and up-to-date immunisations will recover in the same amount of time with or without antibiotics.


Find out how to care for your child when they are unwell, and learn what symptoms to look out for and when to get medical help.

You know your children best, so do seek medical help if you are concerned about their symptoms, or if their ‘super bodies’ need a bit more support because they are immunosuppressed or have other existing medical conditions.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents and caregivers








How to get involved

Please email or phone for more details


Contact details

Phone: 0151 433 7651



For further information

For more information about NHS search NHS in this directory.


Visit Super Bodies on the NHS website


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