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Social Prescribing Drop-in – Citizens Advice Wirral

Hope Centre, Pensby Library, 329 Pensby Road, Pensby, CH61 9PB

Social Prescribing Drop-in - Citizens Advice Wirral

Citizens Advice Wirral is a local charity providing advice, information, advocacy and representation across Wirral. We have provided free, impartial and confidential advice, to Wirral residents since 1939, and were formerly known as Wirral Citizens Advice Bureau.

We give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.


Social Prescribing Drop-In

Join Citizens Advice Wirral at our monthly drop-in at the Hope Centre in Pensby Library, held every 2nd Friday of the month.

Looking for support? Not sure where to turn?

Our friendly Social Prescribers are here to help with:

  • Tackling social isolation and loneliness
  • Finding practical solutions to improve your health and wellbeing
  • Connecting you with the resources you need


Who is this aimed at?

Anyone in Wirral looking for advice, support, or simply someone to talk to



Every second Friday of the month



10am to 12 noon



Hope Centre, Pensby Library, 329 Pensby Road, Pensby, Wirral CH61 9PB


How to get involved

No appointment necessary, just drop in


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Citizens Advice Wirral search Citizens Advice Wirral in this directory. 


Visit the Citizens Advice Wirral website


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