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Smoking Cessation Service – ABL Health

Smoking Cessation Service - ABL Health

At ABL Health we believe everyone has the right to good health. We are committed to reducing health inequalities and promoting healthy behaviours through community-driven healthcare services. Making people healthier and happier for longer is at the heart of everything we do.


Smoking Cessation Service 

A Better Life Wirral is a smoking cessation service run by ABL Health in cooperation with Wirral Council.

Our Stop Smoking Service helps individuals quit smoking for good. Our aim is to support you in understanding why you smoke, to identify and manage your cravings and offer advice around relapse prevention. Our evidence-based 12 week programme offers flexible support, tailored to each person’s needs. Every year we help over 1500 to stop smoking.

We have lots of experience working with pregnant women, young people, and people with long-term medical and/or mental health conditions.


Who is this aimed at?

Individuals who want to quit smoking and live or work in Wirral.

Healthcare professionals who want to refer someone to the service.



The service provides a 12-week program to help individuals quit smoking for good, there are no waiting times.



1A Vittoria Court, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 3LE



The service is free, including nicotine replacement therapy.


How to get involved

Speak to a GP about the service or contact the service directly.

Referral forms are available for healthcare professionals.

The service offers tailored, flexible support, including one-to-one and drop-in sessions and self-help, telephone, and online support.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 541 5656 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

Text: ABL to 60777 (texts are free)



For further information

For more information about ABL Wirral search ABL Wirral in this directory. 


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