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Sensory Room – Vale Kids

Vale House, Vale Park, Magazine Lane, New Brighton, CH45 1LZ

Sensory Room - Vale Kids

Private sessions in a sensory room including a UV sensory light room.


Who is this aimed at?

Our facilities are designed with SEN children in mind from babies to age 12 approximately. Viewings can be arranged to ensure suitability.



Sessions run Monday to Saturday 



9am to 3pm



Vale House, Vale Park, Magazine Lane, New Brighton, Wirral CH45 1LZ



£10 for 45 minutes or free in exchange for a sensory toy donation.

Vouchers are given for a free meal in our onsite cafe for all attendees.


How to get involved

Please book or get more information by email


Contact details



For further information 

For more information about Vale Kids search Vale Kids in this directory.


Visit the Vale Kids Facebook page


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