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Parent Support Group – The Martin Gallier Project

57 New Chester Road, CH62 1AB

Parent Support Group - The Martin Gallier Project

The parent support group is for parents who are supporting their children (of any age) through a suicidal crisis and/or ideation. 

This group is delivered in a non-formal setting and will be peer-led to ensure parents are getting the advice and support they need while supporting their loved ones.

This is a safe space for parents and guardians to talk about their experiences, lean on each other for support and get advice and guidance from other people who get it. You will have access to a dedicated suicide intervention worker who can call for advice if required.

The Parent Support group is held once a month on a Saturday.


Who is this aimed at?

For all those bereaved by suicide



Once a month 



11am to 1pm



57 New Chester Road, New Ferry, Wirral CH62 1AB



This support is free


How to get involved

Please book a place for this please Visit the Booking page on the Martin Gallier website

A member of our dedicated team will be in contact with you within 24 hours


Contact details

Phone: 0151 644 0294



For further information

For more information about The Martin Gallier Project search The Martin Gallier Project in this directory.


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