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Parent Peer Support Groups – Voice Collective

Parent Peer Support Groups - Voice Collective

Voice Collective is running Parent Peer Support Groups for parents of children 25 and under and parents of children who are 19 and over who hear voices or have sensory experiences.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents of children 25 and under and parents of children who are 19 and over who hear voices or have sensory experiences.



Group 1 -  For parents of children 25 and under - last Thursday of every month from 5pm to 6:30pm 

Group 2 - For parents of children 19 and over - first Thursday of every month from 6pm to 7:30pm 



Online - Zoom



Please enquire for details


How to get involved

To join either of these groups please email for details


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Voice Collective search Voice Collective in this directory.


Visit the Peer Support Group page on the Voice Collective website


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