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Parent Guidance – Autism Education Trust (AET)

Parent Guidance - Autism Education Trust (AET)

The Autism Education Trust (AET) is a not-for-profit organisation, led by the National Autistic Society and Ambitious about Autism, and supported by the Department for Education. The AET are here to help education professionals understand autism and support autistic children and young people to experience a positive education that empowers them to achieve their ambitions.


We champion a world where being different is something to be celebrated and where all autistic learners experience a positive education that supports their well-being.


Every autistic child is different. Our training modules and materials have been designed to explore and build on these differences to support all autistic children to reach their full potential. Our training programme and education resources are created in partnership with our panel of Autistic Young Experts, parents/carers, and our network of Training Partners, education professionals, experts, and specialists.



We offer an extensive library of free resources for education professionals, leaders and parents on topics such as exclusion, good autism practice and positive relationships, as well as a series of Framework Documents for each education phase, including Early years, Schools and Post-16.


For Parents

Working Together with Your Child's School

This guide gives you ideas on questions you might want to ask when choosing a school for your child.

  • Remember, your child is unique with their individual profile of strengths and differences. Some autism strategies suit some children but might not work for others.
  • Use this form to help school staff get to know your child as an individual and map up the school’s provisions so you can work out a strategy tailored to your child’s needs.


School Exclusions

A guide to help parents navigate equality law, rights and entitlements when their autistic child is excluded or at risk of exclusion from school

  • This resource outlines the legal duties the Equality Act 2010 places on your child’s school in relation to the exclusion of disabled pupils.
  • The examples given relate specifically to autistic pupils and are intended to help you and your child’s school avoid disability discrimination claims, where possible.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents and Cares of autistic children and young people



These resources are accessible 24/7



Online and available to download





How to get involved

To download the parent guides, please Visit the For Parents page on the Autism Education Trust website


Visit our website to explore all Autism Education Trust Resources, from phase-specific teaching tools to parent guidance and more.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about  Autism Education Trust (AET) search Autism Education Trust (AET) in this directory.


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