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Parent Advocates – Koala North West

Koala North West Hub, Woodchurch Lane, Prenton, CH42 9PH

Parent Advocates - Koala North West

Koala North West exists to provide children and their families with tailored practical and emotional support that improves wellbeing, reduces isolation and supports both children and care-givers to thrive.


Parent Advocates

Would you and your family like some support with the Child Protection process? We have fully trained Parent Advocates with real life Child Protection experience within their own families, ready to help yours. Whether that be through information and expectation, support at Child Protection Conferences or just understanding. They are here to guide you through the process.


As part of the Pathfinders Project funded by Wirral Council and the Family Toolbox Alliance, we’re delighted to share that our new Parent Advocates will be available to support families across Wirral navigating the child protection process starting Monday 11th November.


All our advocates have personal lived experience and are dedicated to helping you. If you’d like to find out how a Parent Advocate can assist you, please get in touch.

A huge thank you to all who supported the delivery of our training programme.

This has been funded through the Family Toolbox Pathfinder fund.


Who is this aimed at?

For parents or carers



Koala North West Hub, Woodchurch Lane, Prenton, Wirral CH42 9PH





How to get involved

If you would like a Parent Advocate by your side you can self refer by ringing or emailing or ask your social worker to contact us on your behalf. A Parent Advocate will be matched to you.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 608 8288



For further information

For more information about Koala North West search Koala North West in this directory.


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