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Ollee – Parentzone

Ollee - Parentzone

Parent Zone helps families to flourish by understanding them. Through our research and extensive range of delivery routes, we offer the kinds of support that make digital family life easier.

Our vision is one of a positive digital future. Full of opportunity for young people and free from harm. We want parents to feel confident and assured with the technology their families use.



It's not always easy to get children to open up. That’s where Ollee comes in.

Ollee is a digital friend for children aged 8-11, created by Parent Zone and BBC Children in Need.

It helps you have those tricky conversations and gives you and your child extra support when you need it.

It can help your child explore feelings around subjects like school, family, friends and the world – and support conversations about these with you, through connected accounts.

Adaptable resources for children with SEND have been developed – they include editable worksheets and flyers as well as videos with BSL.


Who is this aimed at?

Children aged 8 to 11 years old and their parents



24/7 online access



Free resource


How to get involved

To use Ollee, parents need to set up an account. If your child sets one up too, you can link your accounts together – to save and share Ollee’s advice and ideas.


Contact details

Phone: 020 7704 0415



For further information

For more information about Parentzone search Parentzone in this directory.


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