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Nutrition for Health Workshops – Next Chapter

156 Mill Lane, CH44 3BN

Nutrition for Health Workshops - Next Chapter

At Next Chapter, we work with children over the age of 8 and adults.  We’re passionate about helping people to develop more understanding of themselves – their brains, their bodies and the direct link between the two. 


Nutrition for Health workshops 

Would you like to know more about helping the body and mind for learning and studying? This workshop covers the the causes of global health crisis and how you can support your body as well as quick tips and easy wins for improving health through nutrition amongst others.

This 3 hour workshop explores the concept of Food for Health aimed at anyone who would like to  know more about the impact of food, upon the body and brain.


Who is this aimed at?

This is aimed at any adult who would like to learn more about basics of nutrition to improve or manage health and well-being for themselves, children or family



Please enquire with service for details



Evening workshops at Next Chapter NW CIC, 156 Mill Lane, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 3BN



£20 contribution per person, subsidised cost


How to get involved

Please email or phone Claire to ask if this workshop is suitable for your needs.


Contact details

Phone: 0790 744 5526



For more information 

For more information about Next Chapter NW CIC search Next Chapter NW CIC in this directory.


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