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Nurturing Programme – Caritas Wirral

Wheatland Lane, CH44 7ED

Nurturing Programme - Caritas Wirral

Caritas provides services to children, families and vulnerable adults of all faiths and none. We work across all sections of the community and cultural backgrounds.

Caritas Wirral family Support Services has a dedicated team of experienced staff and volunteers, with excellent knowledge of local services and support networks. 


Nurturing Programme

The Nurturing Programme’ supports us, as adults, to understand and manage difficult feelings and behaviours, by exploring Emotional Health, Relationship Skills, Self-Awareness, Appropriate Expectations, Positive Discipline and Empathy. 


Who is this aimed at?

All are welcome



For dates and times, please enquire with service



Wheatland Lane, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 7ED



This support is free, there is no cost.


How to get involved

To enquire about our support services please reach out to the team by phone or email.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 652 1281



For further information

For more information about Caritas search Caritas in this directory.


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