Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) is a charity dedicated to providing innovative support and opportunities for young people across Merseyside.
MYA delivers a wide range of early intervention, prevention projects and workforce development across Merseyside.
We want to make mental health everyone’s business.The Merseyside Youth Association’s RAISE Mental Health Promotion Team specialise in the promotion of mental health and resilience to children and young people.,as well as bitesize courses aimed specifically at parents, carers and professionals.
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP)
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is a peer education programme created to tackle gender-based violence, bullying, and other forms of abuse. The sessions provide young people with the language and framework they need to explore and challenge the attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin them all, whilst building resilience, promoting positive mental health and empowering students and teachers alike.
The Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) programme explores a series of ‘scenarios’ involving a range of behaviours, such as name-calling, sexting, controlling behaviour and harassment. Using a ‘bystander’ approach individuals are not considered potential victims or perpetrators; instead, they are empowered and active bystanders with the ability to support and challenge their peers in a safe way.
MVP is based on five core components:
- Exploring violence through a gendered lens;
- Developing leadership;
- Adopting a bystander approach;
- Recognising the scope of violent behaviour; and
- Challenge victim-blaming.
Merseyside Youth Association is working in partnership with educational media experts Collaborate Digital to help young people make short films as part of the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme.
Funded by the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP), The Mentors in Violence Prevention programme has been delivered throughout the Liverpool City Region by Merseyside Youth Association since 2020.
Who is this aimed at?
Young people.
The Mentors in Violence Prevention programme is delivered throughout the Liverpool City Region
Online - Please see our website for resources and films
Please contact us for details
How to get involved
Please see our website for resources and films
To find out more about the programme please Visit the Mentors in Violence page on the MYA website
Get in touch with us by phone or email, or by completing the contact form: Visit the Contact Us page on the MYA website
Contact details
Phone: 0151 702 0700
Merseyside Youth Association (MYA)
General Enquiries
Phone: 0151 702 0700
CAMHS Crisis Line
Phone: 0151 293 3577
If you are a child or young person in crisis, you can call the crisis care line 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but you should only present to Accident Emergency Department if you need medical treatment or are struggling to keep yourself safe in the immediate moment.
For further information
For more information about Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) search Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) in this directory.
Visit the MYA RAISE Team Facebook
Visit the Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) website
Visit the Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) Facebook page