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Little Listeners – Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub

Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub, CH42 2BL

Little Listeners - Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub

Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub is hosting Little Listeners on Friday afternoons, a group which helps to develop your child's language and communication skills through sharing stories and engaging in activities linked to a book.


Who is this aimed at?

This group is aimed at children aged 0 to 5 years



Tuesdays (including Term Time)



10:30am to 11:30am



Rock Ferry Satellite Family Hub, Ionic Street, Rock Ferry, Wirral CH42 2BL





How to get involved

There's no need to book, please just turn up


Contact details

Phone: 0151 666 3151



For further information

For more information about Family Hubs search Family Hubs in this directory.


Visit the Family Hubs landing page on the Family Toolbox website

Visit the Birkenhead Family Hubs page on the Wirral.Gov website

Quick contact