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Lighthouse Heroes Programme – The Lighthouse Centre Wirral

Lighthouse Heroes Programme - The Lighthouse Centre Wirral

This is a new 5-week domestic abuse programme where children work in groups of up to 4. This small setting also provides each child with an opportunity for bespoke 1-2-1 work. Lighthouse Heroes will be held at the Lighthouse Centre for 2 hours a week during the school day.


Lighthouse Heroes' aims include:

  • Supporting children to speak out about their domestic abuse experiences.
  • Helping children to identify positive and negative relationship behaviour.
  • Providing the children with a personal safety plan.


Referral Criteria for Lighthouse Heroes

We can only accept referrals if the children are:

  • Open on an EHAT
  • Open to Family Matters
  • Subject to a Child in Need Plan
  • Subject to a Child Protection Plan
  • Subject to pre-proceedings
  • Looked After Children


  • Mums and their children are Wirral residents.
  • Mums and their children have experienced some form of domestic abuse
  • Mums and their children must make a commitment to attend 5 sessions of the programme across the 5 weeks
  • Mums must be out of the domestically abusive relationship and the perpetrator must not be living with the family Perpetrators can still be having contact with the children e.g., through court orders or mutually agreed arrangements, but must not be in residence


Who is this aimed at?

Children must be aged 5 to 11 years old and in primary school.



Please contact The Lighthouse Centre Wirral for details



The Community Village, 330 - 334 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 1LE



This support is free


How to get involved

Visit the Referral form on The Lighthouse Centre Wirral website


Contact details

Phone: 0151 644 4500



For further information

For further information on The Lighthouse Centre Wirral search The Lighthouse Centre Wirral in this directory.


Visit The Lighthouse Centre Wirral page on Involve Northwest website

Visit The Lighthouse Centre Wirral Facebook page


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