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LADO Allegations – Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

LADO Allegations - Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

There is no more important role within any community than ensuring children and young people are safe from abuse, exploitation and harm. The Safeguarding Partnership has a statutory responsibility to monitor and evaluate what is done by partner agencies individually and collectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children who live in Wirral.

The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership website has been designed to support all those who live and work in Wirral to safeguard and protect all our children and young people.


LADO Allegations

Initial consultations will be dealt with in the first instance by Pamela Cope, Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Allegations.


The Local Authority Designated Officer for Allegations (LADO) must be told of allegations against adults working with children and young people within 24 hours. This includes all cases where a person is alleged to have:


  • Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed a child
  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to, a child
  • Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm.
  • Behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children


If judged appropriate during the initial contact with the LADO, an Allegations Referral Form must be completed by the senior manager in full and forwarded to the LADO via email within 24 hours.


The LADO can only provide advice and guidance regarding allegations in relation to a person in a position of trust.  Any general safeguarding enquiries or concerns should be reported to Wirral Children’s Services.

The LADO cannot provide advice to professionals subject to allegations, support and investigation updates should be sought directly from the investigating agency or employer.


Who is this aimed at?

All those who live and work in Wirral to safeguard and protect all our children and young people






Wirral based


How to get involved

Initial consultations will be dealt with in the first instance by Pamela Cope, Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Allegations. Pam can be contacted by email.


In the absence of the LADO calls will be taken by the duty safeguarding team, email the duty officer will respond. If a child has been harmed the Integrated Front Door must also be informed.


To view the full multi-agency Managing Allegations against Staff procedure, please Visit the LADO Procedure pdf page on the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership website

In an emergency always dial 999


Contact details

LADO and the Safeguarding Team



Integrated Front Door



Wirral Children’s Services

Phone: 0151 606 2008

Out of Hours: 0151 677 6557 


For further information

For more information about Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership search Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership in this directory.


Visit the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership website

Visit the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership Facebook page


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